Παρασκευή 20 Αυγούστου 2010


Each century it has certain  particularly characteristic social delusions, in the  materialistically sultry  twentieth century  the social need for a renewing breath, it accepted in important percentage enough kinds of new fables. A such kind of delusion are the  flashbacks  with the  mesmeric method and the mesmeric recollection of a forgotten kidnapping from beings extraterrestrials.
The  individual in the hypnotism, sees in a vision , dream  pictures  that  mesmeric  it causes with his methodical questions. In the situation of light  hypnosis  the brain while it is found in detachment by the nervous control of the body and his conscious operations, it still maintains a acoustic communication with the environment that it automatically supplements the hearings with relative dream  pictures . The automatic operation of brain with the collective memory is always in vigilance. The automatic human brain accepts processed information from his frontal conscious department, that is the associative processor of his communication via of senses with the exterior reality. 
In the  situation of  light  hypnosis it appears that the automatic brain accepts immediately unrefined information from his any sense that communicates still with the environment (mainly the  hearing) and the  experienced mesmeric technically exploits this attribute of brain.  This attribute of our automatic brain (instinctive) does not have no relation with our superior mental operations, is a primitive heritage from the season of wandering human in in the wild nature.  The light sleep with a elementary maintenance of hearing was a very vital need . Each sound from the environment corresponded in his automatic memory in a concrete real picture from the nature and the vision of this concrete picture as something real, it brought  reassurance in the his instinctual vigilance or  it brought the his  direct rousement.                                                                  
This interpretation of phenomenon of  hypnosis  is theoretical, the comprehension of  operation of human brain despite the big scientific progress of our season to presents still many  inexplicably  mysteries. The mesmerism can contribute in therapy of psychosomatic illnesses, in the improvement of psychotic situations, in the psychological encouragement, but the a lot of his negative applications  are  very dangerous. Indicatively the addiction of the liable individual in artificial hypnosis, it shapes shortly his complete psycho mental emancipation from the his mesmeric, that can henceforth earphones submit as real incident in the his memory whatever  imaginary occurrence. For the kidnapping of humans from unknown factors they exist descriptions from the antiquity, these inexplicably  incidents have been also reported in recent human history as  kidnappings from extraterrestrials. This subject needs a serious objective research without nevertheless attendance of unreliable methods like endoscopic and completely subjective  mesmerism.

 ΣΤΗΝ ΑΒΥΣΣΟ ΤΗΣ ΥΠΝΩΣΗΣ.                                                      

Κάθε αιώνας έχει ορισμένες ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικές κοινωνικές αυταπάτες ,  στον υλιστικά αποπνικτικό εικοστό αιώνα η κοινωνική ανάγκη για μια αναπνοή ανανέωσης, δέχτηκε σε σημαντικό ποσοστό αρκετά είδη νέων μύθων. Ένα τέτοιο  είδος  αυταπάτης είναι οι αναδρομές στο παρελθόν με υπνωτιστική  μέθοδο και η υπνωτιστική  ανάμνηση  μιας  ξεχασμένης απαγωγής από  εξωγήινα όντα.
Το άτομο στον υπνωτισμό, βλέπει σε ένα  όραμα , ονειρικές εικόνες   που   προκαλεί ο  υπνωτιστής  με τις μεθοδικές ερωτήσεις του. Στην κατάσταση της ελαφριάς ύπνωσης ο εγκέφαλος ενώ βρίσκεται στην αποσύνδεση από το νευρικό έλεγχο του σώματος και τις συνειδητές διαδικασίες του, διατηρεί ακόμα μια ακουστική επικοινωνία με το περιβάλλον που συμπληρώνει αυτόματα τα ακούσματα με σχετικές ονειρικές. Η αυτόματη λειτουργία του εγκεφάλου με τη συλλογική μνήμη είναι πάντα στην επαγρύπνηση . Ο αυτόματος ανθρώπινος εγκέφαλος δέχεται επεξεργασμένες πληροφορίες από το μετωπικό συνειδητό τμήμα του, που είναι ο συνειρμικός επεξεργαστής της επικοινωνίας του μέσω των αισθήσεων με την εξωτερική πραγματικότητα. Στην κατάσταση της ελαφριάς ύπνωσης φαίνεται ότι ο αυτόματος εγκέφαλος δέχεται άμεσα ανεπεξέργαστες πληροφορίες από την οποιαδήποτε αίσθησή του που επικοινωνεί ακόμα με το περιβάλλον (κυρίως την ακοή) και ο πεπειραμένος υπνωτιστής εκμεταλλεύεται τεχνικά αυτήν την ιδιότητα του εγκεφάλου. Αυτή η ιδιότητα του αυτόματου εγκεφάλου μας 
(του ενστικτώδους) δεν έχει καμία σχέση με τις ανώτερες διανοητικές λειτουργίες μας, είναι μια πρωτόγονη κληρονομιά από την εποχή του περιπλανώμενου ανθρώπου μέσα στην άγρια φύση. 
Ο ελαφρύς ύπνος με μια στοιχειώδη συντήρηση της ακοής ήταν μια πολύ ζωτικής σημασίας ανάγκη. Κάθε ήχος από το περιβάλλον αντιστοιχούσε στην αυτόματη μνήμη του σε μια συγκεκριμένη πραγματική εικόνα από τη φύση και το όραμα αυτής της συγκεκριμένης εικόνας  σαν κάτι πραγματικό, έφερνε τον καθησυχασμό στην ενστικτώδη επαγρύπνηση του ή επέφερε τον  άμεσο αφυπνισμό του.Αυτή η ερμηνεία του φαινομένου  της ύπνωσης είναι θεωρητική, η κατανόηση της λειτουργίας του ανθρώπινου εγκεφάλου παρά τη μεγάλη επιστημονική πρόοδο της εποχής  μας παρουσιάζει ακόμα πολλά ανεξήγητα μυστήρια. Ο υπνωτισμός μπορεί να συμβάλει  στη θεραπεία  ψυχοσωματικών ασθενειών, στη βελτίωση ψυχωτικών καταστάσεων, στην ψυχολογική ενθάρρυνση, αλλά οι πολλές  αρνητικές  εφαρμογές του είναι πολύ επικίνδυνες.  Ενδεικτικά ο εθισμός του υποκειμένου στην τεχνητή ύπνωση, διαμορφώνει σύντομα την πλήρη ψυχοδιανοητική χειραφέτησή του από τον υπνωτιστή του, που μπορεί πλέον ακουστικά να υποβάλει σαν αληθινό στη μνήμη του οποιοδήποτε φανταστικό περιστατικό.Για την απαγωγή των ανθρώπων από άγνωστους παράγοντες υπάρχουν περιγραφές από την αρχαιότητα, αυτά τα ανεξήγητα γεγονότα έχουν αναφερθεί επίσης στην πρόσφατη ανθρώπινη ιστορία σαν απαγωγές από  εξωγήινους . Αυτό το θέμα χρειάζεται μια σοβαρή αντικειμενική έρευνα χωρίς όμως συμμετοχή αναξιόπιστων μεθόδων όπως ο ενδοσκοπικός και εντελώς υποκειμενικός υπνωτισμός.   

Σάββατο 14 Αυγούστου 2010

China UFO Sightings, Back-To-Back, Alarm in Residents July 17, 2010

Witnesses told Shanghai Daily they saw the same thing: "four lantern-like objects forming a diamond shape that hovered over the city's Shaping Park for over an hour." UFO sightings in China are not as common as some places, and there have been only a handful of well-publicized incidents in the last several decades.


UFO remains a mystery
10-7- 2010  by Yang Yijun
An unidentified flying object is seen in this photo taken by a resident in Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province, at 9 pm on Wednesday.(Source: China Daily) This photograph presents a small kinetic deformity , flying object of unknown origin appears that they is of very big dimensions  .     BEIJING, July 10 (Xinhaunet) -The unidentified flying object that disrupted air traffic in Hangzhou for an hour on Wednesday remains, well, unidentified. A staff member at Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou said a twinkling object was first spotted over the city's sky around 8:30 pm on Wednesday. However, the object did not show up on the airport's radar. Xiaoshan Airport was then closed at 8:45 pm over security concerns, and only resumed operation at 9:41 pm. A dozen inbound flights were diverted to nearby airports and six outbound flights were delayed for three to four hours. It was the first time an airport in China has been shut down on such short notice due to a UFO, said a staff member with the CAAC of East China, who declined to be named. In China like in all the States for these phenomena  the any comments of official beginnings never are not revelatory. (Only the optical contact with absence of stain in radars as in incident 10-7-2010 in China, is the characteristic of a particular type UFO, comparatively as it appears they exist different types of different origin.)

Rumor of a UFO crash in Nepal China border
     Anupam Ghosal, Special Correspondent
January 31, 2005

In Darbhanga district of Bihar that borders Nepal with China, tourists returning from Nepal are talking about a possible UFO crash in Nepal. The rumor is also rampant in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal and other Nepali cities. The crash site is in deep Himalayan border of Nepal and China. According to sources, the crash site may be close to Mount Everest and is totally inaccessible from either side. The rumor world is speculating that the Chinese military is actively looking at the crash site. It is also rumored that the Extra-terrestrials are not allowing any one to go close to the site. Unusual activities and some tremors were felt all over the Himalayan regions from India-Nepal side. UFO activities have gone up very heavily in recent days in that area and no one knows why that is happening. China has some secret military projects in that area, is possible that the crash was nothing but a Chinese spacecraft but  this  does not justify the extent of vibrations. The time of the year is so bad that no one can really go to the site of  crash for direct  investigation. According to a lot of researchers UFO they exist clues that  deep in the subsoil of Himalayan they are found bases of extraterrestrials.   
 Φήμη μιας συντριβής UFO στα σύνορα του Νεπάλ Κίνα. 
Η περιοχή Darbhanga του Μπιχάρ, είναι στα σύνορα του Νεπάλ με την Κίνα, οι τουρίστες που επιστρέφουν από το Νεπάλ μιλάνε για μια πιθανή σύγκρουση UFO στο Νεπάλ.  Η φήμη είναι επίσης διάχυτη στο Κατμαντού, πρωτεύουσα του Νεπάλ και τις άλλες Νεπαλέζικες πόλεις. Ο τόπος της συντριβής βρίσκεται κάπου βαθιά στα Ιμαλάϊα κοντά στα σύνορα του Νεπάλ με την Κίνα.  Σύμφωνα με ντόπιες πηγές ο τόπος της συντριβής μπορεί να είναι κοντά στο Όρος Έβερεστ σε μια περιοχή εντελώς απρόσιτη και από τις δύο πλευρές. Υπάρχουν φήμες και εικασίες ότι ο κινέζικος στρατός αναζητεί δραστήρια στο τόπο της συντριβής.  Επίσης φημολογείται ότι οι εξωγήινοι δεν επιτρέπουν σε κανένα να πάει κοντά στον τόπο της συντριβής.  Ασυνήθιστες δονήσεις έγιναν αισθητές σε ολόκληρο τον όγκο των Ιμαλαΐων ολόκληρο το Νεπάλ και σε πολλές περιοχές Ινδίας . Οι εμφανίσεις  UFO αυξηθήκαν σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό τις ημέρες αυτές στην περιοχή και  κανείς δεν ξέρει γιατί συνέβη αυτό. Η Κίνα έχει κάποια μυστικά στρατιωτικά έργα στην περιοχή αυτή, είναι πιθανή η συντριβή εκεί ενός κινέζικου διαστημικού σκάφους αλλά αυτό δεν δικαιολογεί την έκταση των δονήσεων.  Αυτή η εποχή αυτού του έτους ήταν παρά πολύ ψυχρή και κανένας δεν μπόρεσε  να φτάσει στην περιοχή της συντριβής για άμεση διερεύνηση.  Σύμφωνα με πολλούς ερευνητές UFO υπάρχουν ενδείξεις ότι βαθιά στο υπέδαφος των Ιμαλαΐων βρίσκονται βάσεις εξωγήινων.

The mystery of Ladakh    
According to the few local people and the few tourists in frontier site Ladakh, from Indian and Chinese sides brightly UFO they come out suddenly through the deep ravines of Himalayan and returning later with big speed ,they are lost in their unreachable depths. Informally according to enough dignitaries, certain big underground bases UFO are in this region and both the Indian and Chinese Government know this very well. The scientific opinion that the big bright balls from the ravines of are bubbles of gases ionization from the compressedair lithosphere, does not justify the hard military exclusion of this inaccessible region from the Indian and Chinese Government. The theory of bright bubbles of gases ionization from the compressedair lithosphere, rather resembles the old deceptive theory of mirage of planet Venus in atmosphere, from the known Blue book of American Aviation. From the season of formulation of theory of mirage of planet Venus  ,  does not up to now exist no scientifically certified photographing of this concrete phenomenon. 

Το μυστήριο της Ladakh. Σύμφωνα με τους λίγους ντόπιους και τους λιγοστούς   τουρίστες στην συνοριακή περιοχή Ladakh, από την Ινδική και Κινεζική πλευρά λαμπερά UFO βγαίνουν ξαφνικά μέσα από τα βαθιά φαράγγια των Ιμαλάϊων  και επιστρέφοντας αργότερα με μεγάλη ταχύτητα, χάνονται στα απρόσιτα βάθη τους. Ανεπίσημα σύμφωνα με αρκετούς αξιωματούχους , κάποιες μεγάλες  υπόγειες βάσεις UFO είναι σε αυτήν την περιοχή και η Ινδική και Κινεζική κυβέρνηση το ξέρει αυτό πολύ καλά. Η επιστημονική άποψη ότι οι  μεγάλες φωτεινές σφαίρες από τα φαράγγια είναι φυσαλίδες ιονισμένων αερίων από την συμπιεσμένη λιθόσφαιρα, δεν δικαιολογεί το σκληρό στρατιωτικό αποκλεισμό αυτής της δυσπρόσιτης περιοχής από την Ινδική και Κινεζική κυβέρνηση. Η θεωρία των λαμπερών  φυσαλίδων ιονισμένων αερίων από την συμπιεσμένη λιθόσφαιρα, μάλλον μοιάζει με την παλαιά παραπλανητική θεωρία του αντικατοπτρισμού του πλανήτη Αφροδίτη στην ατμόσφαιρα, από το γνωστό Μπλε βιβλίο της Αμερικανικής Αεροπορίας .  Από την εποχή της διατύπωσης  της θεωρίας του αντικατοπτρισμού του πλανήτη Αφροδίτη, δεν υπάρχει μέχρι τώρα καμία επιστημονικά επικυρωμένη φωτογράφηση αυτού του συγκεκριμένου φαινόμενου.

Τετάρτη 11 Αυγούστου 2010

Nan Madol The Curious will be punished by the death.

In the early twentieth century, while the island Pohnpei was under German rule, then Governor Victor Berg dared to disregard the royal ban and entered the sealed tomb of Nan Madol, opened the coffin of the ancient island rulers, and in it found the skeletal remains of giants measuring two to three meters tall. According to the natives, that night, the city Nan Madol was spiritually alive with the most intense activity of spirits. The peregrination of luminous balls from the west of helium (ORBS) onto by the primitive walls of Nan Madol is a usual phenomenon.  A wild storm came suddenly with lightning flashes in the sky and torrential rains pounding down on the island as Governor Victor Berg lay in delirium, hearing the sounds of a conch shell blowing. The next morning, on April 30, 1907, Governor Berg died. The German physician serving on the island that night could not determine the cause of death, but the natives were certain that his death was a curse from the Gods for his blatant disrespect. The official German records claim that he died of sunstroke and exhaustion while surveying the ruins of Nan Madol, while the Pohnpeian maintain that he died because he dug up the tombs of Nan Madol.  The laical  deliveries  say  that each curious will be punished by the death. Victor Berg is buried in Kolonia, just below the remains of the German church. Victor Berg had a long-lasting  acquaintance with the climate of Pacific and a privileged personal protection, the probability of his death from report in lethal weather conditions are in minimal. Exists some real mystery in the cursed city, the sciences decomposes the fantastically  mysteries, the real mysteries however remains. Entire our world is full with real mysteries that give in the human mind a superior meaning in his existence, our human world without real mysteries would be as one immense existential desert  


1991 Russian Crash and Retrieval, "Grave of the Devil"
Published: 4:53 AM 10/11/2004
In recent history, reports of UFO sightings came primarily from the United States and Great Britain. Ufologists and other interested individuals knew that a world of information was kept behind a Communist curtain of secrecy. The Russian military, the KGB, and the Russian government kept a tight lid on all information, including any UFO or paranormal activity. Thanks to Glasnost, that has changed. Now information is coming from the former Soviet countries, as UFO researchers and scientists are relating information through the Internet, and organizations like MUFON. Fortunately, the Russians have always taken a more serious approach to the enigma of UFOs. In America, at least until recently, most individuals who saw something strange were afraid to come forward with the information. This "little green men" mentality does not exist in Russian reports. For that reason, we are graced with an excellent report of a crashed saucer. Ufologists Nikolay Subbotin and Emil Backurin's labors bring us this compelling account of a crash in the "Shaitan Mazar," Russian for "Grave of the Devil." The Shaitan Mazar is located in the Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan near the border of China. The incident of Shaitan Mazar began on August 28, 1991, at shortly before 5:00 P.M. An extremely large object approximately 600 meters long, and 110 meters in diameter appeared over the Caspian Sea, showing on radar screens of the tracking station on the Mangyshlak peninsula. Radar computations showed the object moving at the speed of 6,300 miles per hour, at an altitude of 21,000 feet. Tracking station operators immediately broadcast the "friend or foe" request. No response was received. The streaking craft was now considered an "intruder." The cosmodrome at nearby Kapustin Yar was contacted, requesting information on any test flights from the facility. The officer in charge replied that there were no test flights of any type, and that he, also, had the object on his radar screen. Operators at Mangyshlak issued a military alert. The alert put the military into action immediately. Two MIG 29 fighters were diverted from a routine mission, and two others were scrambled from the peninsula. The pilots were ordered to attempt to force the craft to land, and if those orders were refused, to shoot it down! Military flight commanders gave interception coordinates to the planes. They would meet with the unknown object over the Aral Sea. Speeding to the position, the MIGs had the object on their radar screens. When they reached visual range, they were shocked to see a gigantic, elongated, metallic gray object. The flight leader requested the "friend of foe" response, and gave orders for the unknown craft to fall in behind the lead MIG, and follow it to a landing. There was no response from the craft. Also, the UFO seemed unconcerned with the MIGs, which now surrounded it. The MIGs had assumed a position of 800 meters from the unknown craft. As the MIGs closed in on the craft, the pilots noticed two port holes toward the front of the object, and green symbols composed of a language unknown to any of the Russian pilots. As the MIG jets kept pace with the object, they radioed the status of their search to area defense headquarters. An emergency meeting was called to make a decision on the course of action. Should they give the order to shoot the craft down? This could blast it out of the sky, and minimize the amount of information to be gleaned about its origin and mission. High ranking officers decided to fire warning shots across its flight path, forcing it to follow the MIGs to a safe landing. "Close in from either side." "Fly parallel to the target and fire warning shots in its path," was the exact order given to the MIG leader. The planes immediately responded by closing from 800 to 500 meters. They were ready to fire their weapons. As the pilots squeezed their triggers there was no response from their controls! None of the electrical system worked. The cockpit controls were dead, and then the engines began to sputter. The object began to pull away from the MIGs. The planes were now unoperational. Their condition was radioed to headquarters, and they were ordered to nurse their planes back to base, and abandon the hunt for the intruding UFO. Radars on the ground continued to track the object, as it made a zigzag course back over the Aral Sea. Mathematical computations assigned the craft's speed at an astonishing 42,000 miles per hour as it again assumed civilian air space. As the object left the MIGs, the controls on the jets began to return, enabling them to make a safe landing. Flight controllers at Mangyshlak made notification to air force and civilian personnel of the object's projected flight path. They were told that an unidentified craft was traveling through their area, posing a serious threat of collision with other craft. Approximately 45 minutes after the sudden appearance of the UFO, it simply vanished from radar screens. Though shaken from the stirring events of the last three-quarters of an hour, there was a sense of relief among military personnel that whatever or whoever had invaded their airspace and crippled their jets, had left them. This was the end of the giant UFO, or was it?Although the strange and unusual events of August 28, 1991, brought numerous debriefings and discussion, the threat of the UFO was now passed. What was the enormous craft that had invaded civilian airspace? What was its origin? What was its mission? Was the threat from another country? or another galaxy? These questions were tossed about for a month with only conjecture and speculation offered for an answer.
The search for the UFO would now take a dramatic turn.
permanent link: www.ufocasebook.com/Russia
source & references:
Nikolay Subbotin, Emil Bachurin